confessions of a neophyte twit

On Saturday, I did something I swore I would never do.

I opened a Twitter account.

Until then, I’d managed to avoid Twitter.  It annoyed me.  Its over-exposed ubiquity made me want to don a Twitter-stealth-shield that would deflect any and all references to the site and ensure a blissfully Twitter-free day.  I wondered why ‘tweets’ were so named, why reputable organizations…and people like our President…were linking themselves to a <140-character social networking site, and why the amount of ‘followers’ Ashton Kutcher had was considered “news.”

But then I figured that because I’d already jumped in, I may as well see how deep I could dive.  Now I’m one of Ashton’s 5,885,514 followers – as of 10pm Sunday, October 3, that is. That number is probably higher already, and I’m more than swimming in Twitter’s Kool-Aid – I’m drinking it.  I can’t wait for my first AplusK Twitter-tweet…

…and I’m liking it.  It’s overwhelming, but I’m following many kick-ass journalists and science organizations and enjoying the effect of all that collective brainpower. Twitter is more than social-networking – it’s instant information-sharing.  Or it can be.  I still don’t know how things work – what are these funny graphics, and why does everyone have an @ in front of their names?  It messes with the reader in my head. But whatever.  at-Slugnads is having fun.