Features 2020
Lake Tahoe’s pristine legacy threatened by microplastics
Amanda Heidt explores how scientists are tracking Lake Tahoe’s microplastics and what they could mean for environmental and human health.
Rebuilding The Coral Reefs of Golfo Dulce
Scientists in Costa Rica are growing new corals to try and save the ancient ones, Ashleigh Papp reports from the field.
Reconstruyendo los arrecifes de coral del Golfo Dulce
Los científicos de Costa Rica están cultivando nuevos corales para tratar de salvar los antiguos, Ashleigh Papp inform desde el campo.
Are we ready for this jelly?
Cyborg jellyfish enter the emerging world of biohybrid robots.
From warm little ponds to life on Mars
Understanding where life began on Earth could guide the search for life beyond our planet.
It runs in the distant family
It doesn’t make sense — How could a chemical you were never exposed to affect your health? But that’s what scientists are finding in animal studies that may have important implications for people too, reports Jonathan Wosen.
The birds, the bees, and the spiraling family trees
Spiral ginger plants have evolved different flower shapes to accommodate their preferred winged pollinator.
The Big Data of Biodiversity
How a new project in California aims to bring the most powerful genomics tools in the fight against extinction.
Eelgrass and Oysters: Antagonists or Allies?
Lummis’s results are still preliminary, but she says her line of inquiry could lead to “a major attitude shift” – one that evaluates oyster growers not just on what they take from natural environments, but what they give back.
Do talk back: creating conversation in computers
Students and experts in the field of natural language processing help computers understand us.