Plastic Pink Flamingos

You’ve heard of the old prank where someone takes your pink flamingo yard ornament (or garden gnome) and sends you photos of it posing in front of the Eiffel Tower and other destinations? I think it’s a wonderful tradition, and if I could bear the sight of...

Interview tips

I’m not the sharpest tack in the box. De-mystifying science, the job of a science writer, is difficult for me because I am easily mystified. I feel comfortable in my world of wildlife biology, but when I venture out to cover physical science stories in...

Please don’t shake my head

This weekend I was telling someone about all the assignments we have taken on over the past weeks in SciCom — double earth quakes, oil eating bacteria, etc. He said, “Wow, you should be really smart by the time you write 10 months worth of articles on...

Déjà vu all over again

I wonder if it’s the same for any profession – that as you prepare to enter it, the standing guard feels compelled to warn you that things are not as good as they used to be. So far, I’m two for two, so I’m thinking it’s a universal truth. Thirteen...