A Field Guide for SciCom

A Field Guide for SciCom

Two quarters ago, David Cohn—the web whiz and crowd-funded journalism advocate who invented Spot.us—left the SciCom class of 2012 with a note-worthy nugget of internet advice. “It’s cheaper and easier to try something,” he said, “than to debate about whether or not to...
David Cohn Experiments with Journalism

David Cohn Experiments with Journalism

David Cohn doesn’t look like the new face of journalism.  He’s boyish, with an untamed mop of black curls and a stubbly beard: Picture a darker Mark Zuckerberg, but more stylishly dressed. It’s early in the morning when Cohn comes to talk with our class about Spot.Us,...
Who You Gonna Call?

Who You Gonna Call?

On Halloween, an adventure-seeking Santa Cruz surfer braved wintery water temperatures and paddled a half-mile out past Seabright Beach wearing only a bikini.  But she wasn’t trying to catch a wave.  The scantily clad surfer was trawling for an intimate look at the...