
This release features a composite image of at least three galaxy clusters colliding in a jumbled scene. The resulting giant galaxy cluster, known as Abell 2256, resembles a grainy, pixilated, sky blue cloud topped with licks of flaming red hair. The cloud is adorned with red shapes and streaks, and set against a black background heavily dotted with colorful specks. The image combines X-ray, radio, optical, and infrared data. In this release, the composite image is presented both with, and without, labels. Near our lower left sits the oval-shaped, sky-blue cloud pixelated with white dots. This is the center of the combined galaxy cluster. The blue cloud shows enormous reservoirs of superheated gas, with temperatures of several million degrees Fahrenheit. Shooting out of the giant cluster, angled toward our upper-middle right, is a straight, thin red line labeled C. This is a jet; a stream of particles blasting away from a giant black hole. A second, much shorter jet, labeled I, crosses the tip of the first jet near the right hand side of the image. In the giant cluster, on the righthand side, are several irregular shapes. One, labeled A, resembles a bright white bean with a red outline. Beside it, labeled B, is a tangle of overlapping red shapes dangling out the bottom of the cloud. These are filaments, the result of jets interacting with gas. Three other irregular red filaments can be found to our left, just outside of the giant cluster. At the upper right hand edge of the oval-shaped giant cluster are sweeping sheets of red, which resemble lapping flames or licks of red hair. These relics are the results of shockwaves, likely generated by the collision of gas from the different clusters.