Features 2017
Saving Vulnerable Giants
Researchers sniff the air among California’s redwoods to gauge how they will fare in a warmer climate.
Filling In the Gaps
A neuroscientist studies our ability to hear and process language.
Winter Salmon in Hot Water
Biologists are learning why warm waters nearly decimated an endangered fish.
Tailoring Tumor Treatments
Bioinformaticians are digging into data to use existing drugs to treat childhood cancers.
Helping a Puzzled Clock
Chronobiologists study how a key protein keeps time inside our bodies.
Cleaner Farms with Bacteria
Scientists are borrowing bacteria’s biological powers to clean up agricultural runoff.
Seeing Shifting Cells
Biologists want crystal-clear views of neurons as they grow. The solution may come from deep space.
From Field to Stream
Pesticide seed coatings threaten invertebrates and have contaminated streams and rivers.
Untangling the Kelp Forest
Scientists are studying how an increasingly acidic ocean will affect marine life near the shore.