Features 2019

Seeking Binary Sunsets

Roughly half of stars similar in size to our sun are in binary or multi-star systems. But how many of these star systems have planets?

Turning the Tide: Revitalizing Elkhorn Slough

Over the past 150 years, Elkhorn Slough in central California has suffered from large-scale agriculture. What was once a thriving marsh ecosystem is now an algae-covered mudflat. But a team of researchers are determined to restore a part of the Slough by replanting the area with native shrubs. They hope that this will revitalize Elkhorn Slough and also contribute to the worldwide battle against climate change.

Living with noise

Noisy roads make it difficult for birds to talk to each other. But for tree swallows, traffic noise impacts extend beyond disrupted communication. Priyanka Runwal talks with ecologists to understand the fate of these birds if roads near their nests got busier and louder.

Making greenhouses greener by making them magenta

University of California, Santa Cruz Physics professors decided to take their research out of the lab and onto farms to make solar powered greenhouses. The innovative technology works to divert unneeded light to produce electricity while still supplying plants with the light they need in order to thrive.