Features 2018
When Heroics Aren’t Enough
Whales have made a spectacular recovery since being hunted to near-extinction. But scientists now wonder if that recovery can last.
Hunting for Pain’s Off-switch
Doctors are searching for a better solution for patients with chronic pain — a way to switch their pain off at the source, reports Nicoletta Lanese.
A Revered Raptor’s Return
For decades, researchers have worked to bring bald eagles back from the brink of extinction. Jennifer Leman tracks their progress.
The critically endangered giant sea bass is making a comeback. Alex Fox talks with marine biologists and fishers about what the future holds for the king of the kelp forest.
Respect the Nap
Kayakers enjoy close encounters with sea otters, but at what cost for these charming animals? Kimberly Hickok investigates.
Reinventing California’s Swordfish Fishery
Annie Roth examines a new invention that could keep the California swordfish fishery afloat.
Inhabitable Oceans
Water oceans swell beneath dozens of icy moons and planets. Jeremy Rehm dives into how these worlds are changing the search for life.
Detecting Deadly Algae
Katrina Hunter talks with biologists who want to predict outbreaks of harmful algae before they happen.
Thinking Outside the Body
A materials scientist is making connections in cell biology. Laura G. Shields heads deep inside to find out how.